Our solutions
will revolutionize
your cash flow
The log X-ray solutions from Finnos guarantee an increase in efficiency,
when compared to traditional technology.
Contact us and book a demonstration
Let us map your path towards significant improvements in productivity. We will reply to all messages as quickly as possible. You can also contact our sales:
Jyri Smagin, +358 44 242 3989, jyri.smagin@finnos.fi.
Sawmill industry solutions
Other industries

Pulp and energy industry solutions
The Finnos woodchip analyzer is a solution that uses several measuring technologies and analyzes in real time the moisture content and density of the woodchip and identifies any foreign objects.

Plywood industry solutions
The Finnos Lite Plywood is an optimization system for cutting plywood logs allowing the optimization of raw material yield with millimeter precision.
We are the global market leader
With experience of over 90 installations, Finnos is the leading log X-ray system manufacturer in the world.